Rao, A.N. and Mathur, O.N. and Jerome, C.M.A. and Ramachandran, K. and Venkataramanan, R. and Srinivasan, R. and Abdulkader, J.A.M. and Varadharaj, A. and Srinivasan, G.N.
Production of gallium - preliminary experiences of a pilot plant operation.
Bulletin of Electrochemistry , 3 (1).
pp. 51-52.
ISSN 0256-1654
The Madras Aluminium Company, Mettur Dam haxi put up a pilot pbnt for the extraction of gaHium from sodium aluminate
liquors besed on amalgam rnecellurgy,the procea, end the engineaing chign king auppbd by Centrsl Ebctrochemiil Research
Institurn, Karaikudi. The performance of the pikt plent and the raults obtaimd in the tim few mMhs of operetian are described
in thii paper.
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