Sabarathinam, R.M. and Vijayavalli, R.
Potentiometric determination of cyanide in effluents having high concentration of chloride.
Bulletin of Electrochemistry , 2 (2).
pp. 207-208.
ISSN 0256-1654
The est~mat~oofn c yanide IS generally done by titrimetry, colorimetry and polarography but each method
has its own limitations. Argenlometric titration method IS not satisfactory at low cyanide concentralion at
ppm levels. Distillation and colorimetry method is accurate but time consuming. Presence of large
quant~t~eosf chloride does not permit the use of ion selective electrodes. Other methods available are
Double Pulse Polarography and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. They involve sophisticated costly
~nstrumentsa nd are d~tt~cualst tar as small scale industries are concerned. It has been observed that
potentiometric t~trationm ethod can be more easily adopted wlth falr accuracy even at ppm levels. The
most Important advantage is that the estimations can be done at fast rate and does not require much of
sophsticated ~nslrumentso r techn~que.S eries of experiments were carried out with varying cyanide
concentrat~ons and large excess of chloride ions. Detection limit by this method is 100 ppb and the
results agree well w~thth ose obtamed by the other methods. The results on actual samples and
standards are presenled In thls paper.
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