Vedalakshmi, R. and Sundara Raj, A. and Palaniswamy, N. (2008) Identification of various chemical phenomena in concrete using thermal analysis. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 15 (4). pp. 388-396.
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Chemic~,1 changcs th,lt occur in concrctc at the microstrtrcture level due to environmental effects al-e normally identilied bv Sb'vl, XRD, thcnn;i1 alwly,;is and by chemical analysis_ In the [1rescnt investigation, the cbemical compounds fonned in various ehcmic<ll reactions ;:Jre quantified using thermal analysis_ The concrctc having characteristic compressivc strcngth or 20 Mr,l w;-rs subjeetcd to uncler-go various chemical reactions for;:J specified period. Three types of cements were uscd I(lr casting the conercte specimens Thc thermal an<llyses (DTA and TG) werc carricd out on [1owclercd concrete S<lInplcs p",:sing throu~h 75 pm sic\e dr-C\wn I.-r-oln the concrete specimens which wcrc subJccted to various ehcmieal phcnomenon. Chcmical compounds such ;:JS Ca(OIIh, gypsum, cllringite, calcium chloroaluminatc are estimatcd quantitatively. The type of Ily ;:Jsh blcnded with cement and complex aminc salt in Migr<lting Corrosion Inhibitor-(MCI) treated coneretc arc ahJ idcntilicd. Each chemical cOI11[1ound is identified by a distinct cndotherm present in the DTA (DiITerenti;d Tlrcl"llwl Analysis) plot ~lIlJ quantitative estirmtion has been Jone using the TG (Thermo-gravimetric) curve.
Item Type: | Article |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Chcmical changes; Thermal analysis; Pozzolanic reaction; Sulphate attack; Friedel's salt; Migrating corrosiorn inhibitor |
Subjects: | Corrosion Protection Corrosion Science and Engineering |
Divisions: | UNSPECIFIED |
Depositing User: | ttbdu cecri |
Date Deposited: | 17 Jan 2012 14:33 |
Last Modified: | 17 Jan 2012 14:33 |
URI: | |
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