Arulraj, I. and Tietz, F. and Gupta, A. and Jungen, W. and Wessel, E. and Buchkremer, H.P. and Stoever, D.
On the synthesis and characteriation of bismuth containing superconductors as contact layer material intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
Transactions of the SAEST, 35 (2).
The melting temperature values (890 -9000 e) of bismuth containing super conducting ceramics prompted u.' to invcSligat· their properties for possible application as contact layer material between the ceramic cathode and ferritic steel interccll connecti ng bipolar plate in solid oxide fuel cells operating between 700 an I 850°C Biz 1'2 aCup.+x (B,'CC 2212) and Bi2Sr~CuO,:1 x (f3SCC 220 I) were ynth'sited both by olid stale reaction (MO) and citrate complexation ( C) techniques. The physical characteristics such as panicle diameter. hulk density. lap densily and BET surface area values were measured for the powdcr. X-ra powder diffraction and differential thermal analysis data were also obtained. The densificalion da a of the powder was also obtained in order to assess the softening characteristics of the pI' 'sscd pellets upto a temperature of 875°C. Photograph. of the surfac s were prepared to sholY the details on the thermal cxp,lnsion and the rcsultingchanges in the properties in the temperature range that is applicable to ITSOrC operation. The results obtained (1n Ih..: dC'nsi f1ealion
experiments arc presented and a discussion is made to draw some usefull conclusions on the thermal behaviour of these materials.
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